Subject Specialists
subject specialists (also called liaisons) at the Colby Libraries who are here to help you!
Natalie, Erin, and Karen are just a few of the subject specialists (also called liaisons) at the Colby Libraries who are here to help you!
Each academic department has a specific librarian assigned to support them. When you get that first research paper assigned this semester, we can work with you to refine your ideas into a clear topic, help you find good sources to support your argument, or walk you through citing sources in the style your professor requires. Subject specialists also have specialized expertise in things like data, archives, or film that can help with your tricky research questions across the disciplines.
Researching in the middle of the night? Subject specialists also create research guides by subject or course that can get you started until a librarian is available to help.
Find your subject specialist on the Libraries’ website, or email [email protected] to be connected with someone who can help!
Photo by: Eileen Richards